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GO-SOLO alum Gioia De Cari has performed her solo show TRUTH VALUES for 18,000 audience members!

From our most recent e-newsletter:

If you're like many people who consider doing a solo show, you dream of getting onstage and telling the story of a difficult time in your life... but you worry that you'll come across as self-indulgent.

I want you to know that solo shows developed in GO-SOLO aren't like that. Audiences come away from our students' shows inspired and uplifted.

How come?

Through our gentle, proven process, we show you how to avoid the pitfalls of the overly confessional show. We help you connect to your truth, joy and strength so you can transform your tale of tragedy into a myth of triumph. (And add rocket fuel to your career!)

Just look at GO-SOLO alum Gioia De Cari...

For the rest of Gioia's story (and to learn about upcoming classes), click here to read our latest e-newsletter.

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